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Gloss Wash Shampoo

Gloss Wash Shampoo

Treat your car to a shampoo brimming full of specialised active cleaning agents and a combined wax formulation which will release and remove road traffic films, dirt and grime from the bodywork, revealing a flawless finish.

  • Product Details


    � Active Agents Specialise Against Removal Of Dirt & Grime

    � Clean, Shine & Protect

    � 260:1 Dilution Ratio

    � Wax Safe PH Neutral Formulation

    � Added Wax Formulation Enhances The Finish & Gloss


    Gloss Wash Shampoo is a highly concentrated ph neutral wash and wax formulation. It is developed with a blend of advanced active agents which are specialised against the removal of traffic films and paintwork contaminants such as dirt and grime. The advanced formulation of Gloss Wash Shampoo is developed with a PH neutral formulation. This ensures that there is no adverse effects to paintwork finishes and protective wax layers which are already applied. The additional wax blend within Gloss Wash Shampoo wash gives the additional benefit of a quick maintenance application of extra wax protection to paintwork. This enhances the finish and gloss while removing the paintwork contaminants at the same time.

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